2015 Liberty Challenge Registration

| February 16, 2015 | 0 Comments

liberty torch

The 2015 Hawaiian Airlines Liberty Challenge hosted by New York Outrigger will be held on Saturday, June 20, 2015 at Hudson River Park‘s Pier 26. Registration is now open for all local, national and international OC-6 crews.

Race Heats:

  • Women’s Race: Start Time: 7:30 AM; Course: 15 miles
  • Men’s Race: Start Time: 11:00 AM; Course: 15 miles
  • Mixed Gender Race: Start time: 2:30 PM; Course: 12 miles

Race Divisions (applicable to all heats):

  • Spec Canoe Open
  • Spec Canoe Masters (age ≥ 40)
  • Unlimited Canoe Open*

* Unlimited boats are encouraged to participate and specific awards recognition for this division will be announced shortly.

OC6 Crew Registration | Free Agent Registration | Athlete Waiver | Sponsor Logos


Registration Deadline: Sunday, May 31

Boat Loans – Priority Deadline: Saturday, March 15
Rolling Deadline: after March 15 boat loan requests handled on a rolling basis

Boat Loan Overview

  • Nearly every East Coast outrigger club who attends Liberty offers their spare canoes to visiting teams.
  • To reduce confusion and ensure that the loan process is equitable, New York Outrigger coordinates all boat loans for Liberty.
  • Teams are asked during registration whether they are bringing a boat, or if they wish to borrow a canoe.
  • For crews wishing to borrow a canoe, we provide a suggested donation amount.
  • Requesting teams will receive a confirmation email once matched with a canoe.

NOTE – we will close registration early for visiting teams requesting boat loans if we believe we have exhausted the inventory of available canoes.

With the growing popularity of Liberty and the limited supply of boats on the East Coast, we cannot guarantee a boat for every team that registers to compete. For the best chance at securing a canoe, we ask that you complete your registration form, waivers, and provide all payments as early as possible. While registration may close early for visiting crews, teams are encouraged to continue contacting us if interested in competing, as additional canoes may be identified for boat loans closer to the event.


Free agents in search of a team, or crews in need of additional paddlers, are encouraged to post on the Liberty Challenge Free Agent Forum on Facebook. Follow the link below to sign-on. Once connections are made for a full crew, the crew captain can register the team.


All paddlers are required to complete a waiver to participate in the Hawaiian Airlines Liberty Challenge. As soon as your captain has registered your crew, your captain will have a link that should be sent to you to allow you to complete the online waiver. Please contact your captain for the link.

For any other questions, please email libertyregistration@newyorkoutrigger.org


Hawaiian Airlines Liberty Challenge officials reserve the right to refuse any display of sponsor logos including but not limited to canoes and apparel. No airline logos may be displayed at the Hawaiian Airlines Liberty Challenge other than Hawaiian Airlines. See RULES AND REGULATIONS for more details.





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