
| May 28, 2015 | 0 Comments

Time: Saturday, 6/20. 6:30PM-7:00PM
Location: The Hawaiian Airlines Stage at Hudson River Park’s Pier 26

Hālāwai and New York Outrigger are pleased to present Lei Pasifika on the Hawaiian Airlines Stage at the Liberty Festival in Hudson River Park’s Pier 26 as part of the 2015 Hawaiian Airlines Liberty Challenge on Saturday, June 20.

About Amorua

AMORUA brings you the dulcet tones of Aotearoa New Zealand with a melodic blend of vocals and acoustic guitar.  Singing in both the Indigenous language of the Māori and in English, these two performers will transport you to the far away land of their origin and heritage.

Performer Profiles

 Ataahua Papa (Ata)

Waikato‐Tainui; Ngāti Koroki‐Kahukura, Ngāti Mahuta Ngāti Raukawa;

Ata is well versed in stage performance, with a background in traditional Māori Performing Arts and singing. For many years, Ata performed with Māori Performing Arts groups in New Zealand at regional and national level and has performed at festivals, schools and events in many venues in the United States, Canada, Australia, Singapore, South Korea and Mexico.  She has traveled the length and breadth of New Zealand, educating and entertaining audiences of all ages.  She is a graduate of a traditional Māori weaponry school, is well versed in traditional protocols and customs of the Māori, has a high level of fluency in the Māori language and has developed “An Introduc‐ tion to Māori Culture” lecture demonstration for audiences in North America.  Ata is frequently called upon to perform for the New Zealand Embassy, NZ Consulates and Government departments (Tourism; Trade & Enterprise; Foreign Affairs) and the NZ Permanent Mission to the United Nations and lends her expertise to assisting these entities to put together memorable and culturally unique events. Ata has been privileged to sing the New Zealand National Anthem for official events and international sports fixtures in the US and Canada.


Hone Bailey

Ngāti Tūwharetoa

An aspiring fashion designer, Hone has been performing in kapa haka / Māori Performing Arts groups for many years, most recently with Whāngara Mai Tawhiti, 2007 National Champions.       He is a composer of Māori songs and is fluent in Māori language.  Hone has studied at the Fashion Institute in NYC and recently graduated from Toihoukura in Gisborne New Zealand with a Bachelor of Māori Visual Arts with a focus in textiles. He has recently returned to NYC to further his career in fashion design.


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