Tag: 2012 Teams

Washington Canoe Club
Hometown: Washington, DC . USA Established: 1904 Team Name: WCC Women, WCC Men, WCC Men Masters, WCC Mixed Competing in: Women’s Open, Men’s Open, Men’s Masters and Mixed Open Division www.washingtoncanoeclub.org | Facebook Spotlight: Washington Canoe Club

Spotlight: Cavalera Team Brazil
TEAM BRAZIL is best known as one of the top windsurfing clubs in the country. However, taking advantage of their easy access to water by the Guarapiranga Dam in São Paulo and their proximity to the ocean, they have expanded their range of watersports. Last year, outrigger paddling was added to that list and Team See More

Outrigger Canoe Club of Fort Lauderdale
Hometown: Fort Lauderdale, FL . USA Established: 2011 Team Name: Fort Lauderdale Competing in: Mixed Open Division Facebook

Kana Lui Miami Outrigger Club
Hometown: Miami, FL . USA Established: 2004 Team Name: Team Wai Pili Pono/Kana Lui Competing in: Women’s, Men’s and Mixed Open Division kanaluimiami.com | Facebook Spotlight: Kana Lui Miami

Cavalera Team Brazil
Hometown: Sao Paulo . Brazil Established: 2011 Team Name: Cavalera Team Brazil Competing in: Mens Open Division www.teambrazil.com.br | Facebook Spotlight: Cavalera Team Brazil TEAM BRAZIL is one of the most important brazilian windsurfing clubs located at the Guarapiranga Dam / São Paulo. They started their outrigger canoe program in 2011. The team is formed by friends who has been training and competing together for See More

Team France
Hometown: Nantes, France Established: Team Name: Team France Competing in: Mens Open Division

Philadelphia Outrigger Canoe Club
Hometown: Philadelphia, PA . USA Established: 1995 Team Name: POCC Women Competing in: Womens Open philadelphiaoutrigger.com Facebook | Twitter: @PhillyOutrigger Spotlight: Philadelphia Outrigger Canoe Club

Puu’wai Outrigger Canoe Club
Hometown: Wailua, Kauai, Hawaii . USA Established: 1992 Team Name: Makuahine O Puuwai Competing in: Womens Senior Masters Division www.puuwaioutriggercanoeclub.org | Facebook Hui o Mana Ka Puuwai Outrigger Canoe Club is located at the mouth of the Wailua River on the East side of Kauai. Our long-range goal for the club is to establish a permanent Canoe Hale See More

Team Arizona Outrigger Canoe Club
Hometown: Tempe, Arizona . USA Established: 1997 Team Name: TAZ Competing in: Mixed Open Division www.teamazoutrigger.com | Facebook Head Coach and Club Founder Allen Abad started Team Arizona Outrigger Canoe Club (TAZ) in 2004 and currently has 40+ members. TAZ is active in volunteering in the community with the Boy Scouts, the Ironman Triathlon, the Aloha See More

Waikiki Yacht Club
Hometown: Honolulu, HI . USA Established: 1944 Team Name: WYC Wahine | WYC Kane Masters Competing in: Women Open Division | Men Masters Division www.waikikiyachtclub.com | Facebook The Waikiki Yacht Club paddling program philosophy is about coming together to share in our passion for the ocean and outrigger canoe paddling. Paddlers from WYC have competed in Rio de Janiero, Brazil; Catalina, California; Las Vegas, Nevada; See More